
How Long I Be Vegan Essay

Decent Essays

3 and a half years; that’s how long I have been vegan. I would rave about the benefits, but vegans are told that doing that is shoving our beliefs down someone’s throat. I became healthy, both physically and mentally. It feels great and something that makes you feel great makes you want to talk about it. Vegans get a bad reputation for that, but people who talk about feeling great from fitness or a sport do the same without being stereotyped.
I cut out all meat at age 12. I hated the texture, and the taste. It’s chewy but still a little stiff like stale gum, but stale gum with seasoning on it, way too much seasoning. It made me upset seeing the blood when it was in the freezer or thawing in the fridge. I felt uneasy whenever I’d eat it knowing it was alive at one point. My stomach would turn like it does when you have the flu or when you are really anxious. Being 12 and telling your parents you want to go vegetarian feels odd. …show more content…

Also, what I couldn’t wear, and what brands I couldn’t use. After learning that and getting used to it, I learned about what was actually healthy for me. Along with being vegan, I consider myself a healthy vegan, by healthy I mean I just don’t get home and eat Oreos. My mornings normally start with chai tea or a green smoothie, kale or spinach are the main part, but I just use whatever vegetables I have and then 2 or 3 pieces of fruit. The next part of my morning is a shot of turmeric- I blend turmeric with a couple other things and put that in a small glass and then lick pepper off the back of my hand. It’s disgusting and I try not to think of the taste, but I can stomach it so I will continue doing that. Everything else I eat is pretty healthy too- but there’s a lot more variety. I have a weak spot for pizza, which is so unhealthy- thin crust, light sauce, no cheese, spinach, bell peppers and jalapenos. It tastes like a salad but with more carbs and less

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