
Why People Go Vegan Research Paper

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People become vegan because of three main reasons. The first reason why someone tends to go vegan is because of the prevention of animal suffering. An overwhelming amount of cows and chickens are subjected to cruelty and the horrible conditions occurring at factories. Most meat, milk, and eggs are produced at factory farms where close confinement and unethical animal cruelty are the norm. One of the main reasons that animals are raised this way is because eggs, meat and milk all taste the same regardless of where they come from. Mostly all commercially-raised animals will be slaughtered before they reach middle age. Even the best alternative forms may rely on practices that most people would find outrageously cruel. There's a great deal of …show more content…

From an environmental perspective a switch to a vegan diet makes a lot of sense. Federal grazing deals given to ranchers result in the destruction of wildlife on huge areas of land. Also nearly all cattle spend their final months at feedlots, where they are fed an inefficient and resource-intensive corn-based diet. Cows have digestive systems that rely upon fermentation, and the corn-based diet makes cattle emit huge amounts of methane which is a gas tied to global warming. The methane produced by pigs and poultry account for a lesser but still a huge amount of greenhouse gasses. “The UN estimates that animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of the total global warming effect stemming from greenhouse gasses. Beef and dairy cattle probably account for about 70 percent of animal agriculture’s contribution to global warming.”(
I decided to go vegan because of these three reasons. Becoming vegan meant that I had wasn't able to eat any dairy products or anything that came from an animal. I wasn't allowed to eat honey or beef or chicken or milk or anything with eggs in it. I knew this experiment was going to be difficult for me because i'm an inseason athlete and being one you need to get a lot of protein, a lot of fiber, and a lot of calories to keep up the energy that you need in order to

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