
What Does Veganism Mean To Me Essay

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If I could only use one word to describe myself as a person, it would be healthy. When I say healthy I do not mean your average american’s portrayal of the word. Healthy as in no animal products in my system whatsoever. Yes! That means no meat, no dairy, and no eggs; this is also known as veganism or plant based. Some may say that it is an extreme and completely unnecessary way to live, but for me it is a form of activism for the animals, our health, and our dying planet. Whether the word “veganism” has a bad taste in your mouth or not; I still would like to share my personal experience and how it has positively changed me mentally, emotionally, and physically. When I first transitioned into the vegan lifestyle I was ashamed of what people may think of me. Looking back it was something so irrelevant, but seemed so serious that I even refused to be open about to my own boyfriend and closest friends. I would binge watch vegan youtubers on my laptop and be inspired about how opened and proud they are to …show more content…

A couple months before I made the switch, I suffered from intense excruciating stomach pains almost everyday for three months. I was on medication, but sometimes even the medicine did not help ease the pain. It became difficult to live a normal active life, which was very important to me, because I was constantly feeling incapable of doing normal everyday tasks. After I transitioned, almost instantly my stomach problems diminished. I was mind blown at how quickly my body positively responded; my only regret was not becoming vegan earlier. My skin has never been this clear and glowy, my hair is stronger than it ever has been, and most importantly I healed my body from its sickness. I learned to treat my body the way it was meant to be treated and everything else followed into place in a beneficial

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