
How Presidents Shape Their Party 's Reputation And Prospects : New Evidence

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The article, “How Presidents Shape Their Party’s Reputation and Prospects: New Evidence,” explains previous presidents and their popularity. There are five main questions that are stated regarding presidents’ popularity. Gary Jacobson, the author of this article, explains where he acquires his statistical research and his use of it throughout the article. Regarding the previous statements, there is a detailed description about the results that are found from the research. By the end of this review, the reader understands my overall opinion on this article. With this being said, what is the question the author hopes to answers, what method does the author use to answer the question, what is the answers found, and my thoughts on the article …show more content…

Table 4a explains this result clearly. For example, Clinton is a democrat, and when looking under the Presidential Approval column, the Democratic Party has a higher percentage of 0.62 when the Republican Party has a percentage of -0.04 (9). When looking under the Congressional Approval column, the Democratic Party has a lower percentage of 0.19 when the Republican Party has a percentage of 0.55 (9).
The policy areas that are asked in question number two encompasses the economy, foreign affairs, and terrorism. The results under the economy category indicate a slightly higher percentage of the Republican administration, Reagan through Obama, handling a better economy (35.1%), compared to the Democratic administration (19.5%) (12-13). However, figure 5 and table 7 justify that the Republican administration has a higher advantage under the foreign affairs category compared to the Democratic administration (14). The Republican party dominates favoritism under the terrorism category because 9/11 happened during G. W. Bush’s administration. The Republican administration’s approval on this subject “never dropped below 77%” (15). Although Obama continued with the terroristic threats, he received a 57% approval rating for his first term and 53% for his second (16).
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