
How Psychology Is The Human Mind And Behavior

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Psychology is the science which helps to understand the human mind and behaviour. To understand properly, one needs to trust on scientific methods that would help in recognizing the aspects related to the behaviour and psychological processes going in the mind of an individual. Instead of just trusting on personal observations about the experiences that an individual faces, the process of scientific research is much more systematic as well as authentic while trying to assess the details about the field of psychology in a proper and efficient way (Armstrong, 2014). Observation is the core area that brings out a significant difference between the field of research and the field of study. The field of psychology is expanding and diversifying …show more content…

Psychology refers to the study of understanding of the human mind as well as the human behaviour (Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi, 2006). There are various types of research methods implemented for complete understanding of the human behaviour. In other words, psychology can be explained as understanding of the different internal processes of the human mind. Quantitative and the qualitative approach help in proper understanding of concepts of psychology. Qualitative analysis of the psychology refers to the description of the concepts of the psychological effects on the human mind. The different state of mind of the humans such the emotional state, happy state, sad state and the angry state comes under the qualitative approach and this presents a complete idea of the thinking for humans (Lieberman, 2012). The qualitative approach can easily be understood with the help of the different activities performed by society. If the general population is supposed to do work then the steps, as well as the desired activities executed by them, will help to understand their current state of the mind. Interviews are conducted between the various types of people regarding their opinion that whether the scientific methods are correct for Psychology or not. The feedback for the desired opinion from the people are very important to evaluate the fact that scientific methods are helpful or not for psychology. Whereas, the quantitative approach helps to understand the

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