
How Sleep Deprivation Affects Psychological Variables Related to College Students Cognitive Performance

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How Sleep Deprivation Affects Psychological Variables Related to College Students Cognitive Performance

Jenny R. Downs
Fall07, PSY 1513 41
General Psychology (MSVCC) (2575) Sleep deprivation is very common for college students. A pattern is usually

developed with sleep deprivation peaking during the week and even more during exam

periods. Performance levels are significantly lower during these periods even though the

students beleived that their performance was better. Many studies have been conducted to

try to evaluate the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance and on

psychological variables related to cognitive performance in college students. The study in

this reading included sixty-five volunteers. Of …show more content…

The sleep-deprived students did

much worse on the Watson-Glaser Thinking Appraisal than the students that were not


The participants mood was evaluated using the Profile of Mood States or POMS. On

the Profile of Mood States scale, current mood states were listed using sixty-five words.

The students could rate their current mood on a scale from zero to seven. The higher the

number represented the greater the frequency. The findings concluded that only confusion

and fatigue were highly affected by sleep deprivation. These aspects caused a significant

drop in performance of task completion.

Sleep deprivation was not shown to have an effect on task motivation.

Research shows that participants acknowledge lower performance levels and increase

the effort being put into a task to try to compensate for the lower performance levels.

Rewards were offered in one study for better performance. An increase of effort was

reported but the increased effort reportedly had no effect on actual performance.

Therefore, even though additional effort may be put into a project it is concluded to have

no effect on decreased performance levels.

Off-task cognitions are thoughts that distract concentration instead of being directed at

the current task. Off-task cognitions are usually either negative or un-related thoughts that

cause a person to not be able to fully focus on the task at hand. The researchers in this

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