
How Social Media Has On Our Society

Good Essays

In “Faux Friendship,” associate professor William Deresiewics discusses the affect that social media has on our society. Deresiewics originally published this piece in The Chronicles of Higher Education in December 2009, but this piece has been published in The Nation, The American Scholar, The London Review of Books, and The New York Times. Deresiewics’ attempts to convince readers that social media take away our ability to build relationships in person. Despite Deresiewics’ appeal to ethos and this rebuttal to the opposition, “Faux Friendship” should not be considered for Culture Comment’s top prize for persuasive essays due to its attack on the reader and overpowering assumptions. One of the strengths of Deresiewics’ argument is strong appeal to ethos and is allusion to a circle. He began to reminisce to when he realized that his web friends really were not his friends. He admits that, “most of the members of what I thought of as my ‘circle’ didn 't actually know one another” (para. 4). He have met people while in graduate school and traveling and considered them to be the people in his “circle”. He continues and uses an allusion to geometry, expressing how a friendship and a circle have no ending. Deresiewics believes that a Facebook circle is “an embracing and encircling structure, a brief, [he] realized, that violated the laws of feeling as well as geometry” (para, 4). The allusion works effectively by expressing that a Facebook circle violates the laws of a circle

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