
How Social Media's Advertisements Changes The Body

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According to the National Institute on Media and the Family, "In a survey of girls 9 and 10 years old, 40% have tried to lose weight..." Young girls who have not yet reached their teen years are being pressured by the media's advertisements to want to lose weight. Many years ago, there were not as many forms of social media, therefore the strive for a perfect body was not as required. Today, there are advertisements trying to sell anything from gym memberships, workout clothes, and supplements to surgery that completely changes the body. Advertisements have taken over every form of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and many more. People are so engaged in having this so to speak "perfect body" that they will go to every extreme, …show more content…

Although I think that it is wrong for advertisements to push for such an extreme body type, I believe that sometimes things are taken out of context and people make it more than it is. Also, people can use this as motivation to better themselves instead of taking it into different context. In Jeremy Olson's article Body Image Affects Weight Gain in Teen Girls, University of Minnesota Study Finds, he quotes Katie Loth, an assistant professor at the University, "Some people believe if young people feel bad about their bodies, this might provide them... the necessary motivation to engage in weight-loss efforts." Loth brings forward another side of the issue by saying that these advertisements and such things can actually help to motivate these women to change their lifestyle and lose weight effectively. Because girls are targeted the most in the issue of body image, they take it harder than guys do. Although these forms of criticism can be used to help out in the weight-loss efforts, they mostly only hurt these young women. Depression, anxiety, bulimia, anorexia, and many more disorders have been linked to these detrimental expectations put on these young girls of today's

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