
How Society Views Disabled People

Satisfactory Essays

How Society Views Disabled People

Dahlia Kizirian
10 November 2015
Sociology 1

1. Many people tend to deny that they treat disabled people differently. But in reality they treat disabled people differently knowingly or unknowingly. Historically, the American with Disabilities Act was ratified in 1990, but even with this Act put into place, discrimination and modern prejudice still took place (Castañeto and Willemsen, 2006). The disabled are often stereotypically viewed as the victim, someone who is able to triumph despite their physical weakness, someone who attacks society because of their condition, and also as the person who is a burden because of their disability (Farnall, O., & Smith, K. A., 1999).
2 .As stated above, the media is notorious for portraying the disabled as a victim, someone who is able to succeed despite their condition, attacks society due to their physical weakness and they are also shown as a burden to the people around them because of their physical limitations. Research has also shown that less than 2% of people on prime-time television portray a disability. It wasn’t until recently that the stereotyped portrayal of disabled people were starred as major characters with their disability as the main focus of the story. People with disabilities are often cast as supporting roles and are sometimes shown as being unsuccessful (Farnall, O., & Smith, K. A., 1999).
3. When disabled people are treated in favor, it can be

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