
How Stephen Murray Influenced Me

Satisfactory Essays

The moment a child reaches a certain age in their life they are expected to start going to school. As soon as they start their education, they meet their teachers. These teachers, then begin to influence them for the rest of their lives. Teachers always play an important role in the lives of their students, and the impact they have on those students will remain with them forever.
A great teacher can always bring out the best in their students and inspire them. My former physics teacher, Mr. Stephen Murray is a great teacher. Throughout my educational career I have met many teachers who have made a positive infulence in me one way or the other, and I strongly believe that as I continue to learn I will keep meeting teachers who will influence me. However, Mr. Stephen Murray stands out among all other teachers because he believed in me, when I did not believe in myself. Before my senior year in high school I had always barely passed my science classes, and when I started taking physics, I expected it be no different. But, Mr.Murray pushed me and taught me how to study effectively and actually understand the information. He taught me a principle that if you really want to succeed at anything, …show more content…

Fortuantaely, I have recently learned that a person does not have to be a celebrity to be famous, instead they can “be amous is someones life”. This quote is my favorite because it inspires me to try and make a positive difference in the lives of the people all around me. For example, if I won award for asport event, ten years from noone will remember that I won that award, but if I make a good difference in anybody’s life they will remember till the day they die. This is exactly what every person should strive for because by making a positive difference in the lives of people we will be making a positive difference in the

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