
How Stress Affects Health

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How Stress Affects Health Many health related issues can arise from being stressed out. Often times, stress can be positive, for example, exercise, or activities such as homework or other difficult tasks (Carlson, Eisenstat, and Ziporyn 2004). Although the tension can be stressful, certain tasks are beneficial to the mind or body, which is why it is positive stress. These activities can be stressful to one individual, but relaxing to another (Carlson, Eisenstat, and Ziporyn 2004). Negative stress can be considered as anything that is not good for the body, such as grieving a death, losing a job, divorce, etcetera (Carlson, Eisenstat, and Ziporyn 2004). Both Positive and negative stress can lead to illness. Stress can cause numerous health issues such as obesity, migraines, and heart disease. “Several studies have supported the affect regulating model of binge eating, which proposes that individuals engage in maladaptive eating behaviors to cope with negative emotions or stressful situations experienced prior to binge eating” (Bello, Yeh, Verpeut, and Walters 1). Often times, stress can lead to binge eating, which over a long period of time, can lead to obesity. This can happen because binge eating is connected to being unaware of how much and what foods are being consumed (Bello, Yeh, Verpeut, and Walters 1). In view of the fact that sugars and fatty foods have positive effects on reducing stress, binge eating foods are usually desserts (Bello, Yeh, Verpeut, and Walters

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