
How Supply Chain Management Is Essential For Successful Movement Of Goods Through A Supply Network

Better Essays

Real World Process Interview
Supply Chain Management is essential to successful movement of goods through a supply network. Many supply chains involves multiple processes and service providers. Most businesses operate in a just-in-time environment, managers must develop efficient, and cost effective ways of moving goods through the process to prevent loss revenue. Maria Hannah, Owner of The Clean Dog Pet Grooming Company provides pet grooming servicing and manufacturing of pet garments. This paper will examine Ms. Hannah’s responses to the Supply Chain questions as it relates to the business.
Interview Questions and Responses
1. is Supply Chain Management a strategic senior level position in your business or is it a part of an operations activity?
Ms. Hannah (personal communication, 2016) explained that the owner is responsible for supply chain management. In addition, I am responsible for ordering and managing supplies for my operation, my company also makes pet garments and sells them to the public (M. Hannah, personal communication, 2016).
2. Is the movement of information and money as critical in your supply chain as the movement of materials?
Of course, money is very important to the operation. However, it takes money to run the business. Managing supplies is an essential part of the operation. The supplies must be move through the operations daily. The supplies are used for pet grooming and must be current stock items and used before expiration dates.

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