
How Teachers Can Help Essay example

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How Teachers Can Help

Attention Deficit Disorder can lead to several different problems such as slow work completion, inconsistent accuracy in class work and homework, and poor study skills (DuPaul & Stoner, 1994). In order to decrease the problems that result from the disorder, teachers must accommodate and assist the children by using various techniques and ideas. Even though medication is widely used as an intervention for students with ADD, training in “organizational strategies, self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-instruction procedures can also help these students to perform better in general and special education settings (Shimabukuro & Prater, 1999).” Children with Attention Deficit Disorder need structure placed in …show more content…

“Teaching in a normal school is congruent with the "left-brained" educational system that emphasizes orderliness, sequentially and familiarity…ADD children are right-brained, visual and random in their processing.”(Kai, p.27). The teacher should make the instructions clear and easily understandable. Complex instructions to assignments should be simplified and instructions repeated clearly (Kidsource, 2000). When giving assignments to students, teachers must modify them. This means that the time given to complete the task should be based on the teacher’s knowledge of how the student works. Children with ADD often become frustrated when working. In order to reduce this, teachers must monitor and support them frequently. Positive reinforcers can be used as a form of support as well as verbal encouragement. (Kidsource, 2000).

Other interventions have been devised in order to assist students in learning. One such intervention is computer-assisted instruction. The benefits of it include individualized instruction, immediate feedback, consistent correction and motivation. It is more interesting then typical class work and provides highly stimulating and fun activities (ADDinschool). In fact, in a study by DuPaul and Stoner,

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