
How Technological Warfare Could Not Be Considered The Fairest Of Them All

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Technological warfare might not be considered the fairest of them all, especially not in this era of warfare advances. Multiple technological advances have been made, and many of them have been made for the purpose of war. A very common technological advance in relation to war is guns, but there is no gun like the CIA’s (Central Intelligence Agency) 1970’s Heart Attack Gun. According to Kurt Nimmo of Info Wars, at the point when the heart assault firearm is shot at an individual, the fatal poison from the bullet rapidly enters the circulatory system causing a myocardial infarction. The toxic substance denatures rapidly, so a post-mortem is unable to determine the cause of the cardiac arrest. The dart from this complex CIA weapon can penetrate garments and leave only a small red spot on the skin, like that of a mosquito bite. The toxic dart disintegrates to its aggregate in the wake of entering the target. We all know what the purpose of a firearm is, even on the battlefield, but imagine being able to play war off of the battlefield and without arising suspicion. Imagine taking out your enemy without having to be held accountable for it. Well those are the implications of a gun with this much power. Now, moving forward to yet another military rate weapon advancement in technological warfare.
Shoshana Davis of CBS News introduces a new soldier, ATLAS, a robot which was created by Boston Dynamics for DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This humanoid weighs

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