
How Technology Has Changed Teaching And Learning

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Technology has become indispensible from our day-to-day life. Advances in information Technology have revolutionized how people communicate and learn in nearly every aspect of modern life. Efficient access of present technology is possible for a child of 21st century without any guidance.Why don’t we use such technology in Education? Technology in education provides access to various e-learning resources, anytime-anywhere-collaborative learning, multimedia approaches, and online libraries which increases educational productivity.So, the nature of learning must be collaborated with digital technologies.WWW is transforming teaching and learning. It is important to discover and understand the extent to which these technologies could …show more content…

• Use of computers in classrooms
• Multimedia Projector
• Document camera
• Use of interactive digital boards
• Creating class websites and blogs
• Use of online media
• Video conferencing
• Use of mobile applications
Change is the law of Nature:
”Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.-George Bernard Shaw. Let us change our mind and be ready to make changes for the future generation. The trends in technology are growing rapidly. We should set our mind to adopt those changes.
Only when we are ready to accept changes, we could develop the interest in knowing things. Being a teacher it is always essential to get updated with subject and technology. So that the expectation of 21st century generation will be fulfilled.
Children observe many new inventions and growth of technology in which they live with. So their expectation in knowing things would be different. Along with the methods which we had learnt in B.Ed. courses such as Lecture method, Demonstration method, Trial and Error method, Experimental method, we should also discover many new approaches to enrich the mind of the young generation through technology.

Blended learning
Blended learning is an education program (formal or informal) that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods. It requires the physical presence of both

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