
How Teens Can 't Too Much Time On Children 's Eyes

Decent Essays

There has been a recent problem around the world: adolescents can’t seem to concentrate on their school work due to our modern day technology. To further explain, 21st century devices are all children’s eyes are on. Whether they’re playing Pokemon Go, listening to music or watching videos, posting on social media or filming a music video on, youngsters are constantly on their phones every day. This is a tremendous issue because spending too much time on your device can make you lose concentration when studying or doing homework/projects. Plus, many kids stay up late watching videos/shows and playing games. But, the Shutdown App can help fix these problems. Youngsters spend too much time on their phone when they should be doing their homework. Many youths’ grades will most likely drop. They often stay up very late and are rarely awake during school hours. This problem is not just in the United States of America, but is a problem all around the world. But, with The Shutdown App, this problem can be solved worldwide! This generation is made up of minors who are not focused on their tasks and have too short of attention spans. They cannot stay focused and get distracted very easily. This is a large issue that can impact the future of the world due to the fact these children will run our world one day. The Shutdown App is an app that assists in creating a placid environment while working or even sleeping. This app takes control over your entire phone. It has

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