
How Temperature Affects Speed of Falling Asleep

Decent Essays

How does temperature affect the speed of falling asleep? Insomnia related sleep problems impact 30% of American adults( Doheny). Many people with insomnia problems typically try traditional solutions for their sleep like a glass of warm milk, avoiding caffeine and a schedule but what about a room temperature? When you go to sleep your body's wanted core temperature is decreased( Doheny). This drop in core temperature is what induces sleep(Bucklan). Though debated to be in ranges of 65°F-75°F and 60°F-68°F however, many doctors recommend the median of about 65°F room temperature when sleeping. When at this temperature people are more likely to achieve REM sleep phase or rapid eye movement sleep phase which rejuvenates the body and is when …show more content…

Getting this better sleep could in general improve how people feel(Gordon). This solution of course has quite a few drawbacks Dealing with Moral , Economical, Social, and Environmental issues. First off is it really Moral to force a large community of people to set their thermostats to a specific temperature? How is it in any way moral to force someone to sleep in the cold? Its not in any way. Then think about it its not moral to force someone to pay for the electricity bill they had no power over stopping which brings up the Economical issue. The American dollar is equivalent to .61 British pounds and its getting worse(Morley). This is caused by inflation and its making Americans well poor. If a person can’t spend money on things they want, the economy can't grow and its just going to make it worse. Then comes the Social issue. Not everyone falls asleep at the same time and everybody has a different sleep temperature( Doheny). This means that IF the time is forced to be 8 o’clock and you go to sleep at 7 you are still having trouble. Also if your temperature is out of the range you can't sleep. Lastly is the Environmental issue. Many people prefer to turn off the heater at night to save energy. The fact they save this energy means that less is needed. However, if everyone in America is forced to leave it on throughout the night more energy is needed. This sudden need would require a larger use of natural resources which could harm the

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