
How The Atmosphere Is A Complex Fluid System Outside Earth

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The atmosphere is a complex fluid system outside Earth from a variety of gases and suspended solids consisting of participation in life activities are under long-term development and formation.

The main components of the Earth 's atmosphere is nitrogen and oxygen, the nine planets in the solar system composition is very special. Composition of the global atmosphere more of the ingredients can be divided into stable and unstable constituent components. The former include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, helium, krypton, methane, hydrogen, xenon, these gases the ratio between the height range from the surface to 90km are stable. Unstable atmospheric components include carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone and water vapor and the like. In addition, the atmosphere also contains a number of solid and liquid impurities, mainly volcanic, seismic dust, rock weathering, forest fires and human activities, sulfide and nitrogen oxides.

Especially the components for earth biosphere, atmosphere and maintained a very close exchange of matter and energy, the holding extremely delicate balance between the various components of the atmosphere. Currently the lower the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21%, which is the result of millions of years of evolution of the biosphere and atmosphere interact. 3 billion years ago, oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is now only one-thousandth of the original life to escape the deadly ultraviolet radiation damage, it can only exist in

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