
How The Freedom Of Speech And Its Interpretation Affects Public And Government Employees

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As part of the constitutional ratification process that saw the formation of the United States the Bill of Rights were drafted to pacify opposition to the adoption process. The most fundamental rights we as Americans identify as intrinsic to our everyday lives and defendable by law were set forth, and are continuously defended by concerns regarding the First Amendment. Although the Jefferson authored preamble of the US Constitution outlines basic fundamental liberties like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it is the First Amendment that outlines the tangible, albeit interpretable, freedoms of religion and exercise of individual faith, speech, press, peaceful assembly, and the very American right of public complaint (more commonly known as the right to petition government for redress of grievances). How these rights are applied to citizens has varied and changed since we became a nation over 200 years ago. The focus of this academic investigation is to understand how the freedom of speech and its interpretation affects public and government employees and how this differs from other claimants of of this protection. America’s founders thoughtfully put in place a framework for democracy, and in authoring a Bill of Rights that grants freedom in all forms and to every citizen they guaranteed fair treatment for all persons which is the foundation of a stable nation with public management and justice created by the simple act of declaring fundamental rights. Before

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