
How The Utilities Industry Changed The Us And Gis Essay

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Utilities in the US and GIS
GIS is critical to the utilities industry in the US. It allows them to perform mundane tasks that they are required to perform with new levels of ROI (return on investment), safety, and man-hour efficiency. It also allows them to save the taxpayer a substantial sum of money yearly, and also the ability to remain profitable while billing for less. In this paper, I will first discuss some of the basic ways that the utilities industry in the US is using GIS to achieving all of these things, then into each part of the electrical utilities industry and then delve into some of the more technical items used by the industry and their function within the industry as a whole. Geography, as defined in the Cambridge dictionary is “ the study of features and systems of the earth’s surface, including continents, mountains, seas, weather, and plant life, and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area.”(3) Therefore, I think it is important to define the history of electricity to give perspective, and its physical properties on a smaller scale to help understand larger concepts from a power engineering perspective. Unfortunately, there is a lot of relevant information to cover before GIS is brought into fruition.

Electricity had always been in a rather elementary and simple form of static electricity, until people discovered we could harness its properties to conduct work, light spaces and various other uses.

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