
How To Be Abolished In Australia Essay

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Western traditions are more often than not, a party of some kind. In America, a celebration of a 16th birthday (traditionally girls) is called a “Sweet 16”. This usually a big party of some kind where family, extended family, and friends are invited. Each of the sixteen candles on their cake represent a family member, friends and boyfriend (or close male friend). The father or the girl, who is sitting on a chair in front of everyone, approaches her with a pair of high heels and replaces her flats with them. The mother also places a tiara on her head. These two ceremonies symbolises her shift into adulthood.
In Australia and New Zealand, two ‘ceremonies’ that take place in a person’s life are ‘The 18th Birthday” and the “21st Birthday”. The 18th birthday celebration is to observe their coming of age into adult life. The celebration is usually a party of some kind, large or small, with family and friends invited and one of the parents or guardians buying their ward their first legal alcoholic beverage. Turning 18 means they’re now able to legally consume alcohol, gamble, and are obliged to politically vote. The ability to vote places much …show more content…

Each participant but wear a glove weaved with hundreds of Bullet Ants (that has a bite that some regard as the most painful insect bite in existence), for ten minutes twenty times over a couple of months. The boys wear the gloves for ten minutes and then start dancing with a group of men to distract from the pain that really begins to set in after the gloves are taken off. The sting from the Bullet Ant causes paralysis of the hands and extreme pain for 24 hours. Upon completing the eleven hour ritual the full 20 times without showing any signs of pain or discomfort is when are fully considered a man or “warrior” and are given a higher role in the community and more

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