
How To Date A Browngirl Summary

Decent Essays

Dummies Guide on Unrealistic Expectations When the short story “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie ” is read briefly, at first it’s noticed that the tone is set in second person. This can be noticed as words like “you’ve” and “your” are used instead of “I” and “me”. Diaz uses these to address the main character as to accomplish the feeling as if the reader is taking part in learning from the main character. This makes it easier to follow as you can place yourself in the story to help yourself try to understand the motive of the main character. The story and it’s bizarre title has much more meaning and serves a purpose in relating to the main character. The first impression the reader is given about the main character is through the tone as we’re told to “Clear the government cheese from the refrigerator.” The tone is rather serious and everything is planned out, the rules are consistent and expectations remain high. It does not seem like much of a big deal to put away the cheese, but it’s also mentioned at the end that it’s important the government cheese is put back or “your moms kills you”. Cheese should not warrant your mom to kill you. It must mean that if it’s Government cheese it was bought from the money given by the government, food stamps. …show more content…

As our main character tells us the rights and so called wrongs there is also some slight worry, lying under the confidence. Starting off as worrying about what the parents will think, as “neither of them wants her seeing boys from the Terrace.” Implying the Terrace is a place not to be and revealing the gender of the main character. The main character although worrying slightly comes off as vulgar and this doesn’t help the reader want to be a part of the story at

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