
How To Feed The World Contribute To Global Warming?

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When one thinks of agriculture they tend to imagine green pastures and the plowing of rich soil. In reality, agriculture is a major contributor to global warming due to the all the harmful chemicals that are utilized. Due to deforestation erosion occurs, which results in the loss of biodiversity. The main problem is that agriculture is where we get most of our food supply, therefore we cannot just suddenly stop the practice of agriculture. With our population only increasing we need to figure out a way to efficiently and safely produce more food. Our current population is approximately 7.8 billion people and we have yet to find a solution to end world hunger. Famine has always been an issue that no one has offered a solution to. This is why …show more content…

The surprising fact is that the world is able to produce enough food for 7.8 billion people. So the question is how is that there are still people who are suffering from famine? By 2050 it is estimated that the population will grow up to 9 billion and it is important that we are able to produce enough food to sustain that amount of people. As a modern world of industry, many people believe conventional farming is the solution. They believe that modern machines and improved genetics will make it easier to feed everyone. Other traditional people believe that organic farming is the solution. Organic farming does not use synthetic fertilizers which would mean it is better for the environment. Both practices are solutions for keeping the environment safe and being able to feed the whole population. Whatever the solution is, it is important that it secures food for everyone in the …show more content…

A major topic that has been popular recently are the effects of global warming. It is causing dramatic climate changes. Ironically, harmful chemicals used in agriculture contribute to global warming. Due to global warming the climate will become unpredictable and it will become difficult to grow crops. The growing of crops requires a good amount of land and right now according to the article, A Five-Step Plan to Feed the World, 38.6% of all land is used for agriculture. Since the population is predicted to increase, we will need more land for growing crops and grazing livestock. The only way we can get more land is to cut down trees and clear the land. Cutting down trees destroys many animal’s natural habitats and it has negative consequences on the environment. Trees are so vital because they help to absorb dangerous greenhouse gases. We need to figure out an efficient way to use the land we already have for agriculture and preserve our

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