
'How To Mark A Book' By Mortimer J. Adler

Decent Essays

Have you ever seen a word or phrase in a book you were reading and had no idea what it implied? By marking a book, you're gaining more knowledge and understanding the context more. After reading ‘How to Mark a Book’ by Mortimer J. Adler, I have learned that it is essential to mark a book. Considering there are two ways to own a book, people may mark their books differently. No matter how one marks a book, it is still the same amount of importance. Everyone can buy a book, but does everyone truly own it? There are three types of book owners. The first type of the book owner leaves their books unread and untouched. The second has many books, but only reads a scarce amount. The third type of owner has many or few books, and each and every single one is marked and scribbled on. Based on reading this essay, I would say I fall into the second category. I own a acceptable variety of books and enjoy reading them, but I do not annotate and mark every single one. After reading this essay, however, I will start to mark my books. From marking my books, I will gain a more clear understanding of what I am reading. …show more content…

For starters, the most common way is to underline and circle key words and points. I have learned that another effective way to mark a book is to write notes in the margins. When writing notes, make sure to use pencil in case of mistakes or bright colors so certain points stand out. The real question is, what will one do if one does not like to write in a book? If you do not like to write in your books, there are alternative ways, such as writing notes and key points on Post-it notes and sticking them onto the page or keeping a notebook handy and writing your notes in there. Whichever way you prefer marking a book is precisely important and helps one understand more

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