
How To Raise Children With Disabilities

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The Training for Parents/Guardians and Families of Children with Disabilities sessions provides support and training strategies to help reduce the stress, demands and challenges to successfully raise children with disabilities. The training sessions include a focus on techniques on parenting children with and without disabilities, keeping family balance and harmony in the home, and effective communication. Parents/guardians, siblings and other family members are taught how stress affects individual family members and the family unit, and techniques that can be used to work through difficult and stressful times.

Research indicates that children with disabilities may be at higher risk for abuse or neglect than children without disabilities. There are steps that parents/guardians and other family members can take to protect children with disabilities from abuse or neglect.

Parents/guardians and family members of children and youth with emotional, behavioral, and mental health challenges obtain training on needed supports and services so that children grow up healthy and able to maximize their potential. These children are continually at risk of disciplinary actions at school, exclusion from family and community life, and the long-term effects of multiple negative experiences. Positive behavior support for parents/guardians …show more content…

Parents who have similar information needs and educational issues can support each other while they learn about research-based best practices specific to their children's disability. Ongoing instruction and support for parents and family members who are implementing support interventions in their homes. The sessions are held in a location where parents/guardians, siblings, grandparents, and other family members can come together to support one another in their shared challenges and experiences in raising a child/youth with emotional, behavioral, or mental health

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