I really enjoyed English this year, however a couple things I didn’t like as much. Reading to ourselves annoyed me because, I lack the ability to read quickly, and I don’t always comprehend what I’m reading. The time it took us to read Romeo and Juliet truly bothered me because, I felt we wasted valuable time we could have spent on something more productive. However, I did not appreciate how the tables kept getting moved because, I like sitting by the same people and changing normal conditions stress me out. Overall, I feel the year went well there is just a couple areas that could use further
In the ‘timeless classic’ Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the author brilliantly utilizes several literary devices to convey the motif that true love cannot be stopped. He does this by using many opposing ideas such as love vs. pain, day vs. night and
The level 3 individual question that seemed outstanding for an analysis paper is “How far would people go for their true love without deliberating the fact that Romeo and Juliet come from families that despise each other?” Just look at what the Capulets and Montagues have executed in the Shakespearean book and play. All that they have done were sharing blows with one another, but nobody knows how the fight had started/when it will end. Romeo and Juliet are two fact-based lovers, in which Romeo and Juliet’s names really mean “passionate, mutual love” If I recall from Shakespearean text, “Two households ( Montagues and Capulets ) both alike in dignity, In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From Ancient Grudge, break to new mutiny, Where civil
Respond to the prompts below (no more than 9 single-spaced pages, including prompts) by typing your responses within the brackets. Do not delete or alter the prompts. Pages exceeding the maximum will not be scored.
When Juliet hears that the wedding has been moved up to the next day, she drinks the
Juliet is not unlike the typical young women constantly struggling to find happiness and acceptance from those who are closest to her. Young Juliet must confront the harsh reality that exists between her and those who profess to be her friends and family, which is they failed to support her, love her, and lift her up with she needed it most. In the timeless book, “Romeo & Juliet” William Shakespeare writes a moving story about the betrayal, disappointment, love, and eventual death of Romeo and Juliet. No reader can truly appreciate and understand the level of Juliet’s struggles without first understanding the roles the Lord Capulet, Friar Lawrence and Romeo, their betrayal and their role in her faithful decision.
From read the text A Quilt of Country it role for individuals is how America is trying to become more equally to all those who believes and don't believe to be one nation. Another passage i have read is called Making Future Better Together. This passges role was about how lots of people are trying to make all Futures better for them there kids and others. And last is the GettysBurg Adress and how its role is how Abraham Lincoln is Sending a Massage to all individuals to unite as one.
In this study guide, I am going to allow you to choose the three questions that you want to answer from the choices that I give you. Once again, the answers are to go into the class folder under your name, and you are to copy the entire study guide so all the questions are there in the correct numbers (Question 8 in Act 1, Scene 1 will remain question 8, even if you don’t answer it). Kindly insert you answer after a bullet so I know where your answer starts and which three questions you are doing. I want each answer to be 75 to 100 words. That will be a total of 225 to 300 words per scene. We will do only one scene a day. There are 24 scenes in the play. Our study will take 6 weeks.
Baz Luhrmann's 1996 film, Romeo + Juliet effectively appropriates the Shakespearean 16th century love tragedy. So why has Luhrmann decided to appropriate Romeo and Juliet? By changing the context, Luhrmann effectively makes the play relevant, discussing his contextual concerns of the 1990’s. This is done through the use of themes in the film, love, family disputes and hate which have remained similar to the original play, although the way they have been presented are different, in particular the form and characters. The form has had an obvious change as the original play has been adapted into a film. Characters in the film have also been appropriated to correspond with Luhrmann's contextual concerns. Hence, Luhrmann successfully appropriates the original Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet by maintaining similar themes, but altering the form and characterisation to fit his contextual concerns.
English has never been my best subject, do to my lack of abilities of writing a good essay. This year I got to learn how to write better essays and also got to read the popular novel, “The Great Gatsby”. Also, I learned how to write a rhetorical analysis essay, which I did fairly well on. Grammar has always been hard for me but this year it became a little less harder.
Reading has been around for ages and is a fun hobby that improves spelling, vocabulary, speech, and many other literary skills. The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a great example of how reading entertains and teaches the reader. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy about the death of two lovers. The lover’s death is caused by many different things, the biggest being the role the parents played. There are three pairs of parents, or caretakers, in this story. The biological parents of Romeo and Juliet, being the Montagues and Capulets, and the caretakers being Friar Lawrence and Nurse. These examples entertain and teach the reader.
When searching for advice, it is wise to choose an individual who has a considerable amount of experience in the field in which one is searching for guidance in. This advisor should be an individual who is trustworthy, whose lifestyle is optimal; not someone who has no experience in the field. If the individual searching for advice chooses an inadequate mentor, there is a low probability that this advice will be wise. In William Shakespeare’s drama The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo decides he loves Juliet because of her appearance. Juliet decides the same upon meeting him for the same reasons towards him. Romeo seeks advice on love from one incapable of providing any. {One common belief is that Romeo and
Two kids, madly in love, both kill themselves. A destined love turned dark, with murder and suicide. Not every story has an ideal, happy ending. This is the case for William Shakespeare's famous play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Both main characters wed in private, despite being in enemy households. Romeo then kills his wife’s kinsman and is exiled from the city of Verona. Meanwhile, Juliet’s being arranged to marry another, and fakes her death as an escape goat. After of lack of communication, Romeo decides he should die with his star crossed lover, not realizing she is actually just asleep, and minutes away from awaking. However, when Juliet rises to find her lover dead, she ends
More than 400 years after it was written, the play Romeo and Juliet remains to be one of few literary works in which the characters it contains are still analyzed. Shakespeare integrates multiple functions for each character, most which fall below the superficial role of the character. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses the character Benvolio not only as a confidant to Romeo, but also as a rational voice of reasoning to Romeo and giver of advice to him, a general peacemaker, and a problem solver throughout the play.
Known as the greatest, and most Tragic love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet has captivated and entertained audiences since the late 1590s. Following the story of an ‘ill-fated’ and ‘star-crossed’ love, Shakespeare used strong themes of love, hate, punishments, and rebellion, in an Elizabethan Era context. However, as society has changed, the story of Romeo and Juliet quickly becomes more and more irrelevant. The language has become difficult to understand, and themes such as the importance of a family name become less important in the current society. As this makes it difficult for the audience to relate towards, the play becomes quite quickly less capable of speaking to a modern audience.
Recognizing patterns can make reading easier by helping me comprehend what it is that I am reading. “Memory. Symbol. Pattern. These are the three items that, more than any other, separate the professional reader from the rest of the crowd.” (Foster xxvii). When I recognize the patterns that the author used when writing, I am able to better understand the structure of the chapter, the plot of the story, the point of view of all the characters and the language used. A time when my appreciation for a literary work was enhanced by my understanding of a symbol or pattern was when I was reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare wrote in iambic pentameter whenever a character of a higher class spoke. It was easier to understand and keep track of who is who when I understand if what I was reading had a meter or not. It made it easier to decipher whether the prince was talking or a servant was. Also, recognizing the pattern of Romeo and Juliet finishing each other's sentences in iambic pentameter made reading that great play a bit easier for me to understand.