
How To Standardize Naoh

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The purpose of this lab was to standardize the NaOH and then use the standardized NaOH to find the molarity of acetic acid or vinegar. We standardized the NaOH so that the molarity would be as accurate as possible to then find the molarity of vinegar in the next lab. The results for the lab resulted in the NaOH being .193M. In the second lab, we used the .193M of NaOH to find the molarity of the vinegar. The balanced equation is NaOH(aq)+HC2H3O2(aq)= H2O(l)+NaC2H3O2(aq)which is why the phenolphthalein turned pink. From our lab results, we found that the molarity of the vinegar was .856M. The class average was........ One source of error was that the solution was dark pink in color. This would cause the amount of sodium hydroxide used to go

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