
How To Write A Black Girl Analytical Essay

Decent Essays

Even though Black Girl is entirely in black and white, the contrast of color is still just as important. With race being the dominant theme, the distinction between white and black is apparent in skin color as well as clothing and objects in the scene. In our first good look of Diouana, she’s wearing a brilliant white dress and head wrap as well as large white flower earrings. These all stand out against her dark skin, and make her appear sophisticated and lovely. When Diouana is introduced to Madame and Monsieur’s home, the first thing that becomes apparent is the overwhelming amount of white, with every wall and surface being white. A dark, African-looking mask hangs alone on one of the walls, symbolizing the isolation that Diouana would soon be feeling. The mask also serves as a reminder of her roots, as she paid her little brother for it so she …show more content…

In the laundry scene in particular, another example of Diouana’s alienation is represented as a lone article of black clothing hangs on the drying rack above her, looking out of place, just like Diouana. In the following scene, when Madame and Monsieur have guests over for lunch, the stark contrast between Diouana and the people sitting at the table is evident, as Diouana is wearing a bright white dress, while the white people are all wearing darker-colored clothing. This contrast once again shows how estranged Diouana is from the French people, and how they treat her as a novelty instead of a person. In the flashbacks of Senegal, however, we are given a break from the bright white apartment of Madame, as the huts in Diouana’s village are all wood and the floors are dirt, and her clothing is of a darker color and has an exotic pattern. This change to a muted color creates a sense of comfort and

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