
How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis By Edward O Wilson

Decent Essays

The two passages by Edward O. Wilson from the book The Future of Life revolve around the issue of environmentalism. Each passage utilizes satire to show the views of the opposing side. Wilson’s use of satire illustrates the unproductive nature of the discussions between the two sides. In the first passage, “The People-First Critic Stereotypes the Environmentalists,” the environmentalists are portrayed negatively by the people-first critics. Wilson uses diction and hyperbole to prove the point of the people-first critics. Diction plays a large part in the structure of the passage. Wilson uses words such as “environmental wackos” and “extremists” to describe the environmentalists. This diction is aimed to discourage readers from siding with the environmentalists. Hyperbole is utilized at the end of the passage through an example of environmentalism. Wilson states, “Some Bennington College student 20 with a summer job will find an endangered red spider on your property, and before you know what happened the Endangered Species Act will be used to shut you down. Can’t sell to a …show more content…

Along with diction, the environmentalist also appeals to pathos. Diction is utilized through vocabulary such as “sagebrush rebels,” worst bunch of hypocrites,” and “anti-environmentalists.” The diction portrayed in this text is tied into the satire used throughout the text. The appeal to pathos comes when Wilson states, “In America the rightwingers have made the word “conservative” a mockery. What exactly are they trying to conserve? Their own selfish interests, for sure, not the natural environment.” The environmentalist wants to show that they fight for a stronger cause with less resources to use. The use of each rhetorical strategy strengthens the satire Wilson uses in the discussions by these two

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