
How To Write A Summary Of Chapter 1.2.0

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In the beginning of the book, Pink opens with an analogy. He uses the success of Wikipedia vs the failure of Encarta. He talks about Motivation 2.0 which was an upgrade to what drove people in contrast to the nature urges our caveman ancestors practiced. Motivation 2.0 was based on a rewards and punishment philosophy and led us into the industrial and economic eras. Then a businessman and entrepreneur during the industrial age came up with the idea that in the workforce, everyone was part of a well-oiled machine and each person was rewarded for a job well done or disciplined for a poor job. Carrots and sticks is what this system was referred to as the carrots represented the reward dangling in front of the worker and the stick used to punish the worker. Near the middle of the 20th century, scholars and psychologist found that workers were becoming dissatisfied in the workplace and the carrot and …show more content…

Opposed to the early 1900s when workers worked in arenas such as factories, solely working for a paycheck under big brother’s eye, today’s jobs have become more complex and more self-directed. Basically we have algorithmic jobs, which are routine jobs which can be easily done by someone else or even computers. On the other hand, we have heuristic which is jobs which change and constantly face different situation that requires creative and or problem solving skills. Because heuristic jobs involve a more creative aspect, they tend to be more enjoyable than algorithmic jobs. Motivation 2.0 doesn’t work for heuristic jobs because the employee does not need to be enticed with the carrot to work. The work force is changing around how we do what we do. Pink uses the work from home example. Since work is becoming more heuristic, managers are not needed to babysit and motivate employees. Employees enjoy working from home and self-direct, which motivates them, contrary to the Motivation 2.0

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