
How To Write A Thank You Speech For A Class President

Decent Essays

First off I would like to thank the student body, principal, faculty, and fellow candidates for being here today allowing me to share with all of you my opinions about this election and the qualifications that make me a suitable leader for the freshman class. I am Bo Dehm Wicklund and I would like to be your class president for the 2015 to 2016 term.

Let me first start by giving you some background information about myself. I am a freshman here at Berlin High School just as the rest of you are and I regularly participate in many clubs, activities, and sports. From the beginning I wanted to become an involved student so here I am today in pursuit of achieving this goal. Regardless of my participation in other organizations I will continue to put forth my best foot in this presidential election. I will put the people first and never allow my involvement in other activities to interfere …show more content…

Just kidding, unfortunately I am not able to do that but wouldn't that be great? Nevertheless, I promise to voice to opinion of many. No matter the problem big or small, important or insignificant it will be solved. When a problem arises I will be there to help. Also, I intend to introduce new and improved ideas for events and other gatherings. We together will work with administration to accomplish the best year that berlin High School has ever seen. Now, this brings me to my next point, teamwork. A word that you hear all the time from coaches, teachers, and maybe even your parents. However, I plan to bring a new meaning to the word teamwork. Teamwork should be something that happens on its own, we should automatically want to work together to solve problems. If elected I would like to ask all of you-- yes you the freshman class of Berlin High School to be not the individuals others perceive us as, but one cohesive team, a unit, we should move as one and accomplish things

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