
How To Write An Essay On A Hero's Journey

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Simone was like any other fifteen year old girl.

She went to school and got good grades. Her family consisted of five people,

her mom, dad, brother and her two sisters. Simone’s life was normal,

except for one thing. The only strange thing about Simone was her birth.

She was born a prodigy. She could speak three languages

and could do college math. Simone knew that she was unique

and sometimes she would take that for granted. The gods above thought

that she needed to learn her lesson. In order to do so they had to

come up with a plan to make her go through the cycle of change.

It all happened overnight. I remember every detail.

That night was just like any other night. I got ready for bed

and did my chores. It was …show more content…

Simone chose to go do something,

that’s who she was. She was brave and up to the challenge.

So now Simone starts her journey.

Before I headed out, I looked around me to see what I needed.

I saw a backpack, a pair of new clothes, new shoes,

and my phone. Inside the backpack was food, money,

and other essentials. After I gathered all these things,

a bright light flashed before me. Now me being the curious George I am,

I walked towards the light. When I walked towards it,

I could hear the fluttering of a thousand butterflies.

All I could see was a bunch of dots. The dots spelled out the words,

“this way”. I followed the dots and they lead me to a dark and lonely place.

The place made me feel as if I was unwanted. That’s when I knew,

I had made it to the Land of the Lost.

The Land of the Lost is not a place

you would want to be. It has a very depressing feel to it.

It’s very dark and reminds me of death. That’s the only thing

I thought about while I was there. As soon as I walked in

the butterflies started to glow. They told me they could no longer

help me. So now I was all on my own. I had to find Linna by myself.

After the butterflies left I heard a woman’s voice

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