
How To Write An Essay On What I Learned In My Writing Class

Decent Essays

Writing was a difficult part of literacy for me growing up. I never really liked writing nor did I think I was any good at it. First, I had a hard time thinking of what to write let alone how to get those thoughts on the paper. Even when the teacher provided us with prompts I had a hard time thinking of how to tackle the thoughts I had or simply I didn’t have any thoughts on the topic. I floundered in writing for many years. I took a creative writing class in high school and enjoyed it. However, outside of that class I lacked the professional writing skills that my teachers wanted to see, such as indentations, punctuation and spelling. I had no organizational skills and my papers were choppy at best. At some point, someone, can’t recall who, told me to write …show more content…

He didn’t grade our writing except for the fact that we were participating. Occasionally, he would write snarky comments in the margins that were always positive. He then had us read about a wide range of topics, things I’d never think of reading. An article on a nun who made cheese, a reading on how ice looked, and many other stories that I would have never thought of looking at. He then had us compare writing styles of authors and make connections to the readings. After many journal type entries and papers my professor told me he enjoyed my writing style. What? I had a style? I had an enjoyable style? It was the confidence I needed. He told me that I write about nothing and that I write like I speak. He joked how Seinfeld was about nothing and look how great that show was. It was the first time in my 33 years of life that I felt like writing was something I could be good at. He helped me polish up many papers and a lot of internet resources later I learned a lot about how to put a paper together. It is still an area I try to work on. I read my work out loud to make sure it sounds natural and well organized. This leads me to speaking and

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