
How To talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

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When dealing with children, parents and educators usually have a hard time in understanding kids in order to help them follow guidelines. It is a great achievement to be able to adhere to children and keep them on the right path. When one has to deal with a child it is very difficult to communicate, understand, and listen in order to get a feel of how to guide the child. If all these components are obtained then it can lead to a positive relationship with the child all the way to adulthood. If the parent and educators want to truly create an open communication and stable environment they should utilize the book, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. It can guide you to establish …show more content…

These methods are already researched and practiced by millions of people, and almost every single time they are used it results in a positive outcome. The way to really achieve this goal one must change the way they speak with children and be really sincere. It seems to be difficult for people at time due to their frustrations but a child can tell if the educator or parent truly cares. This book is a helpful tool that can minimize frustrations, decrease, damaged relationships between parents and their children. It helps parents and children to express themselves rationally and leads to increase children’s autonomy.
“The Science of Raising Courageous Kids” (Martin Brokenleg 2003), is a research based article that discusses the history of how children were viewed and treated by older civilizations and how the view has shifted to children as Brokenleg and Bockern (2003) stated, “sacred beings” and “gifts of the Gods” (p.22). Then, Brokenleg discusses what children need, act, feel, and who they are as a person- the main argument here. Children should be viewed as people of society; they are just in the learning stages of basic norms and human interaction. Lastly, the article discusses the importance of implementing these theories into the classroom in order to create courage kids. There are many components that create a successful managed classroom. One component is behavior. When negative behavior is the

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