
How Undergraduate College Women in the United States Perceive Rape and Sexual Assault

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Background: The rates of casual sexual encounters, ‘hook-ups’, and casual relationships are on the rise in young adults in North America. The majority of US college students have engaged in at least one hook-up while over half report that they have also engaged in some type of casual sex. However, the situations in which students experience unwanted sexual encounters are also shifting. It is implied that since the rates of date rape have decreased, yet rates of sexual assault have remained the same, that sexual assault and rape rates during casual sexual encounters are on the rise.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how undergraduate college women in the United States perceive rape and sexual assault as a potential threat of engaging in random hook-ups or casual sex.

Setting: A large southeastern university in the United States.

Subjects: The subjects consisted of 109 female undergraduate students who were recruited from the psychology department participant pool. Women were between 18 and 46 years of age, with a mean age of 22.6 years. Participants were split between grade level with 6.4% freshman, 18.3% sophomores, 37.6% juniors, and 36.7% seniors. In terms of ethnicity the women were 54% European American, 19% Latina, 21% African American, 1% Asian American, 2% as multi-ethnic, 1% Native American, and 2% did not indicate ethnicity.

Methods: The women were split into small groups of no more than four and seated behind a privacy screen to ensure

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