
How You Can Learn The Secrets Of Mind Power

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How You Can Learn the Secrets of Mind Power
By Gerald Lally
Feb 23, 2011
Just in case you didn 't already know, your mind is like a magnet. What it thinks and sees, it will eventually attract. There is this thing that is called the law of attraction, and it deals very strongly with mind power.

Think, feel and believe you are going to have a wonderful life, and you will begin to create it. This is something you must practice, but when you work to imagine what you want to achieve, then it can begin to occur. Your mind power is simply amazing!

Every person has a powerful mind, but most us just do not believe it. It has been proven through research that humans use only 10% of the mind power of their brain. That is crazy. That means that we only focus on the simple things.

That is why we all feel that we are having so much trouble in life. We think negatively because we do not believe that what we want can happen. So we basically continue to attract nothing more than negativity. The truth of it is that the things that we think are really happening right before our eyes.

Your life 's reality begins in your mind. The things in life that you have accumulated have come from your subconscious mind power. People are often said to have psychic powers or extra sensory powers, but that is really just advanced mind power at work.

If there is something that you want in life, then all you have to do is think it. Those who are always expecting the worst will always end up with the worst.

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