
How does new technology make it easier for humans to create a lifestyle that sustains the environment

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Research Question: How does new technology make it easier for humans to create a lifestyle that sustains the environment?
3,000 years ago, human beings discovered coal and began to burn it in order to get heat and energy, which contributed to people’s lives a lot. However, it brought kinds of problems to the environment. During the process of burning, it produces carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and smoke. Those products may lead to acid rain and global warming that are harmful to the environment. Nevertheless, with the development of technologies, renewable energy sources and green technologies have been created. Thus, most people don’t use coal anymore and the environment has been protected. New technology changes people’s lives every …show more content…

Because of the new technology, people explored wind power and it contributes to the sustainable environment. There is no doubt that people will keep using new technology to explore more renewable energy to sustain the environment.
The second contribution for sustainable environment by new technology is helping people to develope new techniques to solve pollution problems. As we all know, to sustain the environment, people should not only implement energy efficient, but also measure the pollution environmentally. Thus, new techniques of solving pollution problems were created. For example, the ammonia mitigation technology. According to Saqib Mukhtar and Amir M. Samani (2012), “The generation, dispersion, and deposition of NH3 can contribute to air pollution, soil and water contamination, and pungent odors.” To solve these problems, people made a research and it has shown that an acid-filled, gas-permeable membrane (GPM) system can remove NH3 from liquid manure (Ammonia mitigation technology for sustainable environmental stewardship, 2012). In consequence, after its removal, the captured NH3 will not pollute the environment anymore and it can even be used as fertilizer in agriculture. Therefore, new technology helps people develope new techniques to solve pollution problems that sustains the environment.
The third contribution for sustainable environment by new technology is helping people to create new systems to balance the ecosystem. The

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