
How to Effectively Interpret Evidence in the Movie A Few Good Men

Decent Essays

Chapter two of Critical Thinking analyzed and expounded on what evidence is and how to effectively interpret it. To determine the reliability of evidence, one must utilize the five tests of evidence which include: sufficient, relevant, accurately reported, omitting, and conflicting evidence. In the movie, A Few Good Men, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, a U.S. Navy lawyer is faced with a tough case and must prove that two U.S. marines (Dawson and Downey) are being innocently accused of poisoning and killing PFC Santiago. Throughout the movie, A Few Good Men, the aspects of accurately reported, omitting and conflicting evidence are violated and or affirmed.
The test of accurately reported evidence is present amidst evidence from Dr. Stone, Lieutenant Kendrick, and PFC Santiago. When Dr. Stone testified on behalf of PFC Santiago’s death, he bases it off of his experience as a medical doctor. He reports that in his professional opinion, poison was the leading contributor to PFC Santiago’s death. Consequently, it was not a statement of fact, thus it was violated. In addition, the evidence provided by Kendrick is not accurately reported. Before the court case, Lieutenant Kendrick had ordered Dawson and Downey a code red, resulting in PFC Santiago’s death. On the day he testified, he stated a lie, saying that he did not order a code red. However, he did order a code red, falsely reporting evidence. Robert McGuire truthfully admitted that he had received the letters from PFC Santiago

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