
Hrm/531 Week 3

Satisfactory Essays

wyatt_week 3 In this paper, I will present my findings about the two testing (Cognitive Ability Test and Personality & Integrity Test) instruments that is suitable to use in evaluating job candidates. 1. Wonderlic has been helping employers in both business and education with employee selection since its founder, E. F. Wonderlic, in the 1930s began distributing the world's first short-form cognitive ability test, the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT) from his home. As an interesting aside, in the company's history timeline from 1970-1980, ___Tom Landry__________________ of the _Dallas Cowboys________________________ began using the WPT to forecast player performance. The test is still used today by the NFL in their annual Combine, as a pre-draft …show more content…

This test is used eliminates candidates potential to use mental processes to solve work-related problems. Validity test is a general cognitive test that is good predictors if the candidate is able to perform the job; however, more complex jobs the better test results the tester will have. This test has demonstrated to produce many valid outcomes such as performance and successful training as well as predict job performance for complex jobs. One of the disadvantages to this type of test is that it is time consuming to develop if not purchased off of the …show more content…

During my time exploring, I felt that the entire test that companies are able to use is interesting. The websites also were helpful with a wealth of information I also thought that the website was useful for companies that may not be able to hire a Human Resource Manager or assistant, so this, in turn, would be helpful to them to use these methods in order for them to hire the right person for the job. 5. In conclusion, this started out being a confusing but interesting assignment; however, after completing the assignment I found that the test became easier to read and understand. Also, after researching and reviewing the various types of test it brought more incite to which test a Human Resource Manager might need to use according to the jobs and the hiring needs. I also realized that many of the tests are not given necessarily to weed out a candidate, or a certain type of candidate, but instead the test makes it easier to help fit the right person for the right job. Grading Rubric for Week 3 – Selecting Pre-Employment

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