
Hrm/531 Week 3

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The board of directors met to discuss the possibility of changing our pricing and making a couple changes to the policies. The board decided to make the following changes:

1. Raise our prices by $10 per week for each age range, which is still $10 -$20 per week less than the competition.
2. Charge late fees for payments not received by close of business each Tuesday.
3. Institute a new yearly registration renewal fee to help cover the cost of labor to handle the government required paperwork for each family. Each child’s shot records, registration forms and influenza notices must be updated and verified each year.

Based on the meeting with the board of directors, I created a policy and pricing change notice to be provided to the parents of each client. The parents were required to sign a copy of the notice and submit it to the director. The director placed the signed notice in the client’s folder. The requirement for a signed copy is to prevent any parent from stating he/she was not notified of the changes. There were a couple comments made by the parents concerning the registration renewal charge, but once the director explained how much extra time it takes to manage the yearly paperwork the parents were satisfied. …show more content…

The main focus was to identify if the child was not present that week, was present but no payment received or parents wanted to use their yearly free week. If a child was sick and did not attend during a week, the Learning Center board of directors did not want to charge them a late fee. If the child did attend during the week but payment was not received by close of business on Tuesday, then a late fee would be charged as per the policy. If a client has attended the Learning Center for one year they receive on free week of service. The parents can choose to use the free week any

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