Employment Relations Promulgation Major Research Project Lecturer: Dr Peter Mario Submission Date: 23rd July 2012 Submission by: Group 4 – Funky Four Group Members: o Bill Lockwood S94006650 o Sherese Peckham S11079460 o Mele Kaumaitotoya S97008812 o Elenoa Dolodolotawake S02009397 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3 How ERP was established …show more content…
10 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 11 RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................................................... 11 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 12 Exhibit 1: Case Samples – presented to the Courts under the ERP .......................................................................... 12 Exhibit 2: Employment Grievance Process ................................................................................................................. 13 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 14 Executive Summary Information presented in this report is a result of exploratory research of and into the relatively new labor law of Fiji, the Employment Relations Promulgation, commonly referred to as the ERP. The objective is to present an overview of the ERP and with it, sufficient information that will enable the reader to know and understand what ERP is, how it came about, what it was purposed to achieve and whether it’s achieving it, and its relevance to Fiji. For this reason, the scope of this research is mainly confined to the contents of the ERP document, and includes
Bennett-Alexander, D. D., & Hartman, L. P. (2001). Employment Law for Business (III ed.) Boston, Massachusetts: Mc Graw-Hill Primis.
Based on the investigation, Complainant’s hours were reduced because she moved positions and based on schedules provided by Complainant she was scheduled to work at or about the same time as others in her position not in her protected class. Investigation reveals that Complainant has failed to show she was suspended from work. Even if Respondent told the Complainant not to return to work until she had new restrictions, the investigation reveals that Respondent had a legitimate non-discriminatory reason for taking this action because Complainant was demanding accommodation which went beyond what her doctor had prescribed and Complainant had a documented history of attendance issues including leaving more than one hour early on several occasions. Furthermore, Complainant fails to show that she was treated less favorably than members not in her protected class. Therefore, Complainant fails to establish a prima facie case. Therefore, a lack of probable cause finding is
Depending on the cause of action and the value of the case, Employment disputes can be commenced in one of three courts;
- Describe the role played by the tribunal and courts systems in enforcing employment law
Bad news travels faster and last longer then good news. Unfortunately this is a day-to-day reality for Islamic followers in America. The horror of 9/11, the native skin of the Boston bombers, and the endless horrific news from the Islamic State (IS) continue to regurgitate in the media year after year, month after month, week after week, and night after night never leaving a listener short of a negative taste for Islam followers, Muslims. Muslims bear the brunt of social construction because the U.S. continues to identify the Islam religion as a whole verses excepting the different sects.
The implementing of the Workplace Relations (Work Choices) Amendment Act 2005 (‘Work Choices’) by the federal Coalition government saw the most audacious industrial relations legislation enacted for the Australian community in over a century (Peetz, 2006). It was to be a central plank in the government’s stated aim of reform by decentralizing industrial relations laws in Australia.
From what I have identified on hate crimes in my research, the top two motivations for hate crimes are based on race and sexual orientation, “In 2010’s FBI report, of the 7,690 reported incidents, 48. 4 percent of the crimes were racially motivated attacks, with sexual orientation bias coming in second at 19.1 percent.” (DL Chandler,2010) Two of the best examples of these crimes are the James Byrd and Mathew Shepard cases in 1998. These crimes prompted the enactment of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act that was signed by President Barack Obama in 2009. Although the crimes are both very horrific and morbid acts in their own right, they were based on different types of hate racial and homophobia. The James Byrd Case was racially motivated
The past decades have witnessed a great deal of workplace change in Australia and worldwide, for some this change has been an advantageous one, whereas for others not so much. Many of these changes have been of an innovative nature, where terms such as “high commitment’, “high involvement’ and “high performance’ work systems have entered the world of employment relations.
A company‟s effectiveness depends on its employees‟ good work. OpenERP‟s Human Resources modules enable you to manage important aspects of staff work efficiently, such as their skills, contracts, and working time.
The attempt to ensure emotional buy-in is evident in their effort to provide a self-sufficient work environment for their employees. Infosys inaugurated its facilities in Bangalore under the name of "Infosys City" in November 2000. Spread over 44.225 acres, it is claimed to be the largest software services campus in the world. It has the largest `video w all' in Asia which allows for video conferencing simultaneously from multiple centers. The
The role of a HR department in an IT company differs from other verticals due to regular innovations in IT, increased competition, and boom in IT sector, talent creation, training
Employment and Labor law initially arose out of protection for employee as a result of the outcomes being one-sided towards employers. There are four categories dealing with employment law. The most famous of these is the Employment at Will which is also known as the Law of Wrongful discharge to many. Pay and Benefits is another category to be mindful of when thinking in terms of Labor Law, this category also includes safety and privacy issues for the employee. The third category deals with Union-management relationship, and last but not least is discrimination and harassment. Who has what responsibility in these sensitive issues is what we are going to discuss within this document.
This essay concentrates on the employment law and how it affects employment agreement in New Zealand by the legal frameworks in which it develops employment relationship in relation to the Employment Relations Act 2000. As highlighted ‘the use of such triangular relationships creates complexities in the rights and responsibilities of each party’ . Means that the power of New Zealand’s employment law defines employers and employees across the statutes. The courts use the employment statues for their decision-making. Furthermore, the protection that is available to protect the interest of employees and independent contractors and its effectiveness.
| Account for the political, technological, social, economic and legal changes that have affected employee relations in the UK in the last two decades
A major issue on using litigation for labour disputes is frequent postponements awarded in hearing a case in the courts. According to Sivananthiran and Ratnam (2003) the most prominent cause responsible for delay in adjudication is frequent adjournment granted by the Labour Courts. Both workmen and employer seek adjournment after adjournment at each of the above stage and this contributes to the delay in dispute resolution process.