
Hsc300 Unit 5 Learning Team

Decent Essays

O1: I have integrated and fused Exercise Support Branch (ESB) resources and capabilities into six Global Simulation Capability (GSC) sponsored exercises, and nine Mission Training Complexes (MTCs) sponsored exercises that allow units to provide a consistent OE to assist in achieving Objective-T goals. Led the team’s transition from primary on-site support to remote and reach back support which enabled the team to meet its objectives and still provide support to an additional 16 exercises and answers 28 requests for support with a smaller footprint. Increased ESB outreached and remote delivery of OE content by 50% as a direct result MTC training, GSC partnership, OE-OPFOR augmentation to CTCs, other senior leaders’ engagements. Sought out …show more content…

Develop and integrated a comprehensive 40-hour Integrated MTC Tool Suite training program that provided training to MTC and unit staffs to efficiently plan, design and executes exercises through the primary use of G27 Tool Suite; Exercise Support Application (ESA), Exercise Design Tool (EDT), Virtual OPFOR Academy (VOA), and Information Operation Network (ION). Validated the MTC Integrated Tool Suite training program and team certification to ensure a standardization of training and DATE compliancy. Provided briefings to the 84th Training Command and AVNCoE Commanding Generals, the United Kingdom ISR Bde Commander, NTC, JMRC senior leaders and individual staffs to continuously fostered enduring partnerships that resulted in a substantial growth in recognition and usage of G27’s web-enabled …show more content…

Effectively coordinated and managed the team’s schedule and execution of an additional 38 remotely supported events outside of the seven projected on-site engagements. I developed and implemented an ESA Content Build program, a systematical process to retrieve and harvest post-exercise material from units for posting on G27 portal. This program resulted in a 118% increased of posted exercises accessible on ESA portals and provided adapted exercise material that reduces unit’s exercise planning and designing phases which conserved time and resources. Provided a Senior Leader Overview to First Army’s 120th Infantry Bde commander, subordinate battalion commanders and staffs that established G27’s Tool Suite (ESA, EDT, VOA, ION) as their primary method for exercise planning and designing used for deploying USAR/ARNG validation exercises (VALEX). Routinely dialogue and provide remote support to 120th Infantry Bde staff, one of only two staffed sites that provides VALEX for USAR/NG units prior to their imminent deployment, to harvest exercise material and data to reuse for future deployments. Regularly conducted formal briefings, presentations, executive

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