
Huckleberry Finn Literary Analysis

Good Essays

Sage Eckert
Honors English III
Literary Analysis
13 February 2017
Twain’s Society Are society’s values always correct? As the time changes, society's viewpoint changes as well. For the majority, humans tend to be followers and continue to do the same actions that their society is acting in. But who says what is right or wrong? Few people tried to express how their really felt about society's actions through their talents, such as Mark Twain. In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain tries to show how negative their society, a the time, really is through slavery, the schooling system and religious practices and beliefs, At the time, slavery was not a big deal to society. It was considered correct and fair to …show more content…

When Jim was Miss Watson’s slave, he was extremely unhappy. Jim had been apart from his family for a long time and, over time, it tore him apart. The worst part of Jim’s situation was that he couldn’t do anything about getting his family back, at the time, because slavery was seen as a “norm” in their society. When Huck treated him as an equal their relationship grew stronger. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jim says "Pooty soon I'll be a-shout'n' for joy, en I'll say, it's all on accounts o' Huck; I's a free man, en I couldn't ever ben free ef it hadn' ben for Huck; Huck done it. Jim won't ever forgit you, Huck; you's de bes' fren' Jim's ever had; en you's de ONLY fren' ole Jim's got now” (Twain, 72). In this part of the story, Huck and Jim are in an a place of security with each other. Starting at this point, Jim and Huck become partners in crime, despite their differences of race. Because of this bond, throughout the book Huck continues to help Jim to the free states. Throughout their journey, Jim becomes less of a slave to Huck. When the novel began, Huck played numerous jokes on Jim. When Jim showed that he was beginning to be hurt by Huckleberry’s jokes, Huck began to feel extremely sad for Jim. In …show more content…

When Mark Twain first began to write the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, slavery was still accepted and taught as an acceptable action for people to be apart of. Although slavery was a topic discussed in schools, the most important topics taught in school were reading and math. From Huckleberry’s point of view in the novel, we know that people see the children and adults that are uneducated, as uncivilized. In the beginning of the novel, Miss Watson takes Huckleberry into her home to try to make him more of a civilized young man. She does this by getting Huckleberry to attend school. Huck truly hates going to school and doesn’t fully appreciate the education that is given to him for free. Although this sounds more or less selfish of Huck, he didn’t learn the more important things that helped him get through his journey while at school. Huckleberry learned more life lessons while he was on his journey. The reader also has to also keep in mind that they were considered “civilized” if they could read and write. At this time in our history, there was not a large importance in the other subjects. This was because most occupations that these young people would grew up to be in would not need anymore knowledge. Education in this time era defined the status of a person to the society around them, but Jim taught Huck other lessons. To begin, Jim taught true lessons to

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