
Human Trafficking Is A Modern Form Of Slavery

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The rate of human trafficking in Uzbekistan has skyrocketed in the past few years and in order to stop sex slavery and unpaid labor throughout Central Asia, the government must step in by detaining the people responsible for trading laborers, as well as educate people more so that they do not become victims. Uzbekistan’s government also needs to arrest those buying people as slaves and shut down hidden infrastructure used purely for the trading of laborers and those forced into prostitution. People take young girls to sell and marry off to men who are much older, women are forced into the sex industry, and capable men are forced to work without pay in harsh conditions. The root of this issue is the people behind the trade and selling of humans. So, by investigating the trafficking industry to understand who is in control of the trade, Uzbekistan can stop its modern slavery issues along with those of other Central Asian countries.
Human trafficking is the trading and selling of people without the consent of the individual being sold. Trafficking amongst humans is a modern form of slavery, intended to isolate the victim from family and people who can help them in order to make them subject to someone else’s will. It includes the illegal selling of others for forced sex work, labor, and/or marriage. The human trafficking industry is the second largest organized crime in the world, with profits upwards of $32 billion, $10 billion of which is from sexual exploitation and

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