
Human Trafficking Is The Modern Form Of Enslavement

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Initiatives on Human Trafficking
Almost two centuries after the 16th President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, a new type of slave trade has taken possession of the lives of many human beings worldwide. Human trafficking is the modern form of enslavement. It includes the purchasing and selling of individuals for forced labor or sexual abuse. This new type of enslavement of human beings is evident all around the world. Additionally, the number of enslaved victims today is surpassing that of the Atlantic slave trade. There are approximately 20 to 30 million individuals involved in today’s human trafficking business. These statistics are alarming to experts and the community, therefore many actions are taken into …show more content…

There are about 19,000 probable victims or even more suffering in the human trafficking trade. 64% of cases involved sex trafficking and 22% had to do with forced labor. 3% had a mix of both. Additionally, children form 33% of beings involved in commercial sex trade and 20% of kids form part of those under forced labor. A very large 61% of these are from the United States.
The initiative of the hotline is successful in taking steps toward a slave-free future. The hotline entrusts survivors of the forced labor and sex trade to safe shelters and mental health services after being abused. Various calls entering from truck drivers have been about a fishy situation they’ve encountered that they believe involves prostitution of young girls. A call presented in the Polaris Report1 demonstrates how a trucker who stopped at a truck stop noticed girls knocking on cab doors late at night. The girls were taken under custody for protection. A federal approach on the topic is also taking action. Several senators as well representatives show approval of the passing of a bill that would provide better resources to help those abused and assist in enforcing of the law. The bill is titled “Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act”. The bill would

1 Polaris Report - A very helpful resource that enables extensive information on human trafficking from the United States to reach out and allow the assisting of many victims. bring justice as well as help many victims obtain

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