
Human Trafficking In Haiti: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Despite the fact that there is some governmental action towards human trafficking, it still exists in Haiti at a high rate. There are many factors contributing towards the continued existence of human trafficking in the country of Haiti; there are local, as well as outside factors that have helped to increase it in the region. Some of the local factors are; poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and poor education, a history of physical and sexual abuse, homelessness, drug abuse, gang membership, and the border with the Dominican Republic. The outside factors include high demand for modern slaves such as; domestic servants, sex workers, agricultural and factory workers around the world, governmental and economical crisis and disinterest ,natural disasters, machismo, corruption, and restrictive immigration policies in other countries (Seelke, 2013 p.4) Per the Haiti partners organization, the gross national income in Haiti is US $660, about half the total for Nicaragua which is the second poorest country in Latin America. At the same time, about 78% of Haitians are poor, they earn less than two US dollars a day, and about 54% live in extreme poverty with only one dollar per day. With that amount of money they barely have enough for clothing or food let alone education. Poverty has other consequences on the community such as, illiteracy and poor education. The estimated annual school cost is about $131 per children which is high enough for students not to attend school. About 50%

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