
Humanistic Perspective

Decent Essays

Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes. Mental processes being all the internal, covert (hidden) activity of our minds (White & Ciccarelli, 2015). When I hear the word psychology I immediately think of doctors whose only way of solving someone’s problem is to prescribe a medicine that will make them act like a completely different person. Truthfully the field of psychology is so much more, psychologist use multiple different perspectives to get to the root of any problem. Such perspectives include psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, sociocultural, biopsychological, and evolutionary. All of these perspectives are still in use and can be applied to real world scenarios, like that of Jake and his anxiety. The …show more content…

By looking through this perspective the cause of Jake’s anxiety could be that he is striving for everything all at once, maybe thinking that he only has a certain amount of time to reach his full potential. It could also be that he sees others at school who have no worries and no stresses about their classes and that may cause him to be anxious about how he is seen by other people. When coming up with a treatment plan for Jake, therapy should still play a big role, but therapy in this perspective should be different than that of behavioral. Humanistic perspective therapy should be structured around the understanding of why Jake is feeling this way, to get to the root of the problem. After this is done, it would be best to talk with Jake and find ways in which he can improve himself and find an easy solution to his problem so that he can be able to achieve his full potential without his …show more content…

Jake’s case from this view may be looked at and handled differently than in the other cases. His anxiety may come strictly from his school work or from doing his homework. The best solution here would probably be to take a scan of his brain activity if it is possible, and see what it looks like while Jake is either doing homework or learning something in a classroom. After this is done I think it would be best to first start with the setting (either doing homework or learning in the classroom) that causes his anxiety to rise or whichever scans shows the most “discomfort” during the action. Following this it would be best to come up with a treatment plan in which I would probably teach or introduce Jake to many different techniques that can help to reduce his anxiety and stress either in the classroom or at home doing

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