
Humanistic and Existential Personalities

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Humanistic and Existential Personalities Theories According to the CIA World Factbook, there are approximately 6.8 billion people living here on the Earth. That makes for a lot of interpersonal relationships and individual personalities in this world that we live in. So is it any wonder why we spend so much time in analyzing how all these people interact with each other and what factors influenced each of these 6.8 billion people? Two different and varying theories attempt to do just that; the humanistic theory and the existential theory. In the following sections, these two theories are to be used to put forth the following: 1) an analysis of how these two theories affect individual personalities and 2) explain how these two …show more content…

This theory would imply that a person cannot help others or even have good relationships with others until some basic needs were met. Basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and water would need to be provided before a person thought that he or she could help or give back to others in any sort of relationship. When a person is required to spend a great deal of time and energy just to meet basic needs, it may be difficult to cultivate relationships. Conclusion The humanistic theory versus the existential theory and how they address interpersonal relationships and how they impact individual personalities. As discussed, the existentialist strives to seek the meaning of life disregarding the essentials of life which suggests they value less the relationship they have with certain other individuals whereas the humanist tends to focus energy first on achieving the basics of life such as food and shelter before they can effectively interact with other people. Therefore each theory provides a different perspective on how and why an individual may not interact well with another person. At the individual level, the humanist angle will point to a negative influence in the person’s life whereas the existentialist angle focuses on a person’s potential in life. References Ellis, A. (1994). Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy, NY: Birch Lane Press

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