
Humanistic/Existential Model

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Following the previous diagnosis of possible disorders, this is how the different models of abnormalities would treat the disorders for Carlos. Biological. For Carlos’s biological symptoms such as the imbalance of the chemicals and neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, antidepressant medications should be prescribed. We already know Carlos was placed on fluoxetine and sertraline, but we do not know what was prescribed for him at the hospital. I believe Carlos may have to be hospitalized once more to find a more successful combination of antidepressant medications which will work for him. As for his symptoms which appear to be seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.), light therapy should be prescribed for Carlos. If …show more content…

The humanistic/existential model uses different types of therapy to reach its goals. But all of the types of therapies agree on one thing, they focus on the client and not the symptoms. The humanistic aspect focuses on acceptance and growth, and the existential aspect focuses on responsibility and freedom. The problems are looked at as the result of the inability to be able to make meaningful and self-directed choices in your life. Thus, the treatments are focused on increasing the patient’s self-awareness and self-understanding. This model of therapy might benefit Carlos because he may feel he never had a choice in his life except to go into the family business. He never found out if he could have done something else with his life, but he also needs to see that if he did, he may not have the family that he has now. Behavioral. I believe Carlos would benefit from behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy is based upon operant and classical conditioning. There are several different types of therapies used for operant and classical conditioning. Flooding, modeling, and systematic desensitization to name a few. The best approach which would benefit Carlos is to teach him to learn new behaviors. This could be accomplished by giving him homework to try new things, and share these new activities with his family. Reintroduce previous activities that he used to enjoy, like playing softball, spending time with his kids, spending time with friends, and going to the …show more content…

In my opinion this might be one of the most important parts of this type of therapy. It will give Carlos positive reinforcement for his positive behavior and hopefully increase it. Cognitive. Carlos would benefit from cognitive therapy since his depression is being caused by constant negative thoughts. Since Carlos is in a deep depression, these negative thoughts are now automatic to him. This means they occur without conscious effort. Therefore, the thoughts like, “A heart attack is still possible,” “What does anything matter?”, and “I will either recover, or descend into the impending abyss,” occur to him without thinking about them on a conscious level. With cognitive therapy, Carlos will be able to learn to recognize, then correct these negative thoughts through self-help skills that are given and used as homework assignments. These skills will then assist him in changing the way he thinks and feels. Over time, with any luck, he will learn to identify and correct those false beliefs which promote his

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