Good morning Staff, If anyone would like to order a red polo shirt with the V.A logo on it from canteen service, please send me an email with your shirt size. Shirt prices should be around $14.00. Once I send the shirt size and quantity forward they will get back with me on the deadline that the money will be due along with final cost. As some of you may know Nurses Week is May 6th -12th . My goal is to have the shirts next month so our wonderful nurses staff can wear them on a pacific one day that week. To meet that goal canteen service is willing to work with us to push the order. Please send your response no later than lunch tomorrow (Friday).
My name is Jorge and I will be helping you out with your meeting since Ashley is going to be out of the office. I was not able to confirm a time for the meeting so if you do not mind can you please let me know what time it was scheduled for and I will be there. Looking forward to hear from you.
I think that it is great that you would like to have a career where you can empower people. I just want to tell you to do what you love.
Another interesting difference of the movie and the Bible were the miracles shown in the Book of Exodus. In the Bible, Moses uses a staff to perform the miracles God asks him to do. He even turns the staff into a snake. However, in the movie, he uses a sword to part the Red Sea. In the Bible, God orders Moses to go to the bank of the Nile and use his staff to stretch it out for the rivers and all the reservoirs of water to turn into blood.
I’d like to personally welcome each of you to the first united Nunnally gathering in, or about, forty years. It’s an exciting time! Time from the vantage of God’s purposes, and I believe it is the will of our ancestors.
Thank you, dear Lucia, for your good wishes, and the lovely present of lemonade; it was one of the first things that I was able to manage following my hospital stay and I think it played a major role in my getting better.
Hello, everybody! Merry Christmas! Mele Kalikimaka! Happy New Year! Happy Hanukkah! We just want to -- hope you guys are having a great holiday. And it is wonderful to see all of you.
Good morning baby! I just wanted to give you something cute to wake up to, so here i am. I really hope that this will be able to put a smile on that cute face of yours. You are so unbelievably caring and kind and just flat out amazing. You deserve so much more than what you actually receive but then again, you are so young and you have such an amazing life ahead of you and hopefully, i will be able to see it as well. You just need to keep doing what you love and no matter what happens or whatever it may be, i’ll always be here for you. Not a day that passes by that i don’t feel blessed to have you. This is going to sound corny but i honestly do think that us meeting again may have been fate. I don’t like to think about what happened between us 6 months ago but i don’t want to ignore it because it happened and nothing can change that. But the point is, is that my love grew for you. And it continues to grow. Every single day when i talk to you i feel so complete and i feel like i really found the one. My love grows for you more and more every time that we talk.
I just wanted to inform you that one of the nurses; Joyce LPN was very rude, load, and disrespectful to me in two different occasions. I will appreciate your appropriate notification to her in order to stop disruptions in the work environment.
Hi everyone! I’m Emma Keaschall, Kala’s sister and I just want to say thank you to everyone for coming out today! It’s such a pleasure to be able to celebrate this special day with all of Kala and Doug’s friends and family.
Good Morning Haley aka Stephanie. I'm so grateful you've been my friend. I feel so comfortable around you and feel like I can talk to you aboit anything whether it's aliens saying aye lmao or your thoughts on religion. It just feels easy and comfortable. I know out friendship hasn't always been normal especially since I liked you in 8th grade which probably made it awkward and then we didn't talk for a while but anyways thanks for sticking with me and dealing with all my shit. I know I can be annoying and mean sometimes and I'm sorry you. You deserve a better friend but thanks for sticking with me anyways. Also stop being so hard on yourself, you always say that you'll never get a boyfriend or no one finds you attractive and it's just silly
Sorry it took me so long to get back with you. I had my mother over for the day. The opinion that I am going to give you is just what I would do. Please don't do anything that would make you uncomfortable. Well here's what I think.
So, I’ve been dating this guy named Bruce Spencer, from OkCupid for the past month.
Good Morning Laurie! Hope you had a lovely Friday evening. Thank you for your message, I was happy to receive it.
I would first like to sincerely apologize for my extremely follow up with you. After the PACE event I started a new job with Kaplan's Test Prep center here in Orlando which consisted of a 3 week training process with a schedule of 9:00am-6:00pm Monday-Friday. I just become so busy with that, a full course of school (2 nights class Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6:00pm-8:50pm), and as you know, LSAT studying. I am not going to lie, these couple weeks have difficult to say the less. There was a lot of sleepless nights.
Racism is nothing new to our society. In fact, the hateful judging of skin color has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. Believe it or not, our ancestors may have taken a part of it. “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee takes place back in the day where racism was strong. The main character Jean Louise “Scout” Finch lives in Maycomb County with her older brother Jeremy “Jem” Finch, and her father Atticus Finch. Scout does not remember her mother because she died when Scout was very young. Her father, Atticus, is the town’s lawyer and “the face of Maycomb” as the book states. Atticus is a calm, collected man who has strong morals. He ends up being assigned to defend a black man named Tom Robinson who is accused of raping a girl named Mayella Ewell. The Finch family receives lots of hate due to Atticus’s choice to thoroughly defend Tom. It does make sense for Atticus to take a stand for tom Robinson because Atticus has the best interests of others at heart and believes in justice.